Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Blood Trail - Part 2

We all know by now that Joe always catches the killer, but it's always a mystery on how he does.  Not really sure if he knew who the killer was or just happened to stumble upon the whole situation, but anyway, he manages to catch the hunter who is hunting the hunters.  Of course by the story line it would have to be someone who knew these men personally and knew the lay of the land.  Someone knew various paths, camps, and when the hunters would be out.  It would also have to be someone who wanted to get revenge for some reason.  Naturally it would be too easy to suspect the environmentalists who think that hunting is "barbaric" but what fun would that be to know and to think that it would be one of them.  You would almost have to think along the lines of someone who you would least expect.

I had a few people in mind during the story line but of course all my predictions were short lived and needless to say, I was certainly surprised to find out that the one behind all of this was the wife of the famous environmentalist that everyone so adored in this story.

After learning her story of all this, you learn more of what her reasoning was for why she did what she did.

Can't wait to see what lies ahead for Joe and his family and what kind of adventures will come his way.

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